Whoever said drinking hot drinks when it’s hot outside cools you down was an idiot. I’m looking at you Grandma!
I’ve heard this tale many times but am yet to accept that it actually works – and there’s nothing quite as unappealing as getting my sweat moustache on before breakfast.

So I’m taking back iced coffee. Forget the TV ads of twenty-something blokes in SUVs, fighter jets or tornadoes slamming-it-down-fast and think of a perfectly balanced espresso with a refreshing Scandinavian twist.
It’s less like a slap i the face and more like a gentle caress… from a snowman/lady.

The Pantry
One double shot of espresso
250 mls of cold, full-fat milk (see if you can’t get that one with the cream still on top – yum!)
1/4 of a teaspoon of cinnamon, plus extra for dusting
3-4 crushed cardamom seeds
Sugar to taste
5-6 cubes of ice
Cocktail shaker, (and signature shaking technique)

Gently crush the cardamom seeds with the back of a spoon and brush the crumbs into a jug. Add the cinnamon and sugar. Pour over the freshly made espresso and stir until the sugar has dissolved. Add the cold milk and transfer to a waiting cocktail shaker filled with the ice cubes.
Shake until the shaker becomes too cold and frosted to hold. Pour into a tall glass and dust with a few shakes of cinnamon.

See you later boiling-hot coffee on an equally hot Summer’s morning and hello frosty new friend!
For an added delight, place a scoop of your favourite vanilla or coffee flavoured ice cream in the bottom of the glass and pour over the chilled coffee. Take that, day!